Member Benefits
Junior Chamber can be called an organization of opportunities. The opportunities available within Junior Chamber across the world are so numerous it could take a lifetime to grasp them all. Most members select the opportunities that cater to their particular needs.
Membership in the organization is on a local basis. Membership in a local chapter also entitles you to membership in the North Carolina Junior Chamber, the U.S. Junior Chamber and Junior Chamber International. Dues for membership into the organization are also on a local basis and vary from chapter to chapter.
Members are encouraged to get involved with local projects. Members are also encouraged to develop their leadership skills by taking on a position in the management of the chapter. That leadership development can be taken even further to managing the state, national, and international organization.
Membership in the Jaycees offers many benefits besides valuable leadership experience:
- Meet new people in your community, across the State, across the United States and across the world. As you member you have instantly created something in common between you and millions across the word.
- There are over 100 State, National and International Conferences held each year by the Jaycees – as a member you can take your pick.Be able to travel almost any where in the world and connect with people who will treat you like family.
- The Jaycees are full of thousands of young entrepreneurs looking to network and to create new opportunities both nationally and internationally. As a Jaycee you have many opportunities to make some key contacts.
- Receive special discounts with certain national and international merchants and service suppliers.
- Member pricing for special events
- Eligibility to run for the local Jaycee board and committees
- Networking and professional development opportunities
- Opportunities to network with young professionals in various professions
- Opportunities for community involvement
- Social and Cultural Events
- Publications from the US Junior Chamber (Jaycees magazine), the state organization (the E-Brief electronic newsletter) and usually a local chapter newsletter.
- Money-saving opportunities on services offered by national partners like car rental, insurance, credit cards and publications