In addition to being active in their local communities, our chapters and the state organization support three priority projects at the state level.
The North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center
The North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center is a 36-bed facility that is one of the few in the nation that is American Burn Association verified for adult and pediatric care. The center had more than 1600 acute admissions in 2016 and consistently operated above capacity. We have continued to reduce our mortality rate from 6% to its current level of 2% in 2016. All levels of staff in the burn center work hard to reduce all types of infections. Our main priority is to provide the utmost ultimate care to the burn patient and at all times keep their pain level at a minimum.
Since its opening on February 23, 1981, at the North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill, the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center has saved hundreds of lives and restored thousands of people, both children and adults, to lives of health and productivity. At the same time, the Burn Center has advanced the scientific knowledge of burn care and rehabilitation. Through its education and outreach programs, the Burn Center has greatly improved upon the quality of emergency burn treatment across the state and has been instrumental in preventing untold numbers of burn injuries.
During a recent re-certification process in 2016, it was stated that the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center is one of largest and best comprehensive burn centers in the world.
The Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina
The Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina is a privately funded non-sectarian, not-for-profit agency that provides a “family” environment for as long as is necessary and practical for children needing an out-of-home setting. The homes provide shelter, food, clothing, education, emotional support and moral/ethical/spiritual guidance to the children. The campus is located on Lake Waccamaw in southeastern North Carolina.
The North Carolina Jaycee Cottage at the Boys Homes was dedicated in 1962.
The Duke Cancer Center
The Duke Cancer Center is a state-of-the-art patient care facility that brings together almost all outpatient services in one convenient location. Their programs and services include a patient resource center, retail pharmacy, self-image boutique, quiet room, café and outdoor garden. Their goal is to provide you with high-quality cancer care, and outstanding patient experience. The Cancer Center is often the host of our Fall Conference for training incoming state leaders.
NC Jaycees Priority Projects
The Boys and Girls Home of Lake Waccamaw
The Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina is a privately funded non-sectarian, not-for-profit agency that provides a “family” environment for as long as is necessary and practical for children needing an out-of-home setting. The homes provide shelter, food, clothing, education, emotional support and moral/ethical/spiritual guidance to the children. The campus is located on Lake Waccamaw in southeastern North Carolina.
Each year, the Jaycees contribute money to the Jaycee Cottage at the Boys and Girls Home at Lake Waccamaw in eastern NC. This cottage houses between 8 &15 teenage boys who have been removed from their families for many different reasons including poverty, death of their parents, or domestic violence. These young men may reside at the cottage for a short time while receiving support or they may live there until they turn 18 and enter the workforce or college. All of the Jaycee Chapters in North Carolina contribute financially to assist this boy’s cottage all year. Donations are also made to the cottage in the form of sports equipment, school supplies, computer software, games, cds, etc. In addition, the North Carolina Jaycees, including the Craven County Jaycees, contributed over $30,000 to help the cottage pay for annual essentials
The North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center
The North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center is a 36-bed facility that is one of the few in the nation that is American Burn Association verified for adult and pediatric care. The center had more than 1600 acute admissions in 2016 and consistently operated above capacity. We have continued to reduce our mortality rate from 6% to its current level of 2% in 2016. All levels of staff in the burn center work hard to reduce all types of infections. Our main priority is to provide the utmost ultimate care to the burn patient and at all times keep their pain level at a minimum.
Since its opening on February 23, 1981, at the North Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill, the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center has saved hundreds of lives and restored thousands of people, both children and adults, to lives of health and productivity. At the same time, the Burn Center has advanced the scientific knowledge of burn care and rehabilitation. Through its education and outreach programs, the Burn Center has greatly improved upon the quality of emergency burn treatment across the state and has been instrumental in preventing untold numbers of burn injuries.
During a recent re-certification process in 2016, it was stated that the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center is one of largest and best comprehensive burn centers in the world.
The Duke Cancer Center
Each year, more than 6,000 cancer patients come to Duke for the treatment of cancer. Drawn by the Cancer Center’s national and international reputation, nearly one-fourth of these patients comes from outside of North Carolina. In addition, cancer patients make more than 85,000 visits per year to our outpatient clinics for treatment or follow-up care.
The North Carolina Jaycees have been a partner with the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center since 1987 and have contributed over $1,000,000 to aid the Cancer Center in making “life easier” for patients and families alike.
Progress is being made. In the last 20 years, the cancer survival rate has risen from 38% to 50%. Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center is playing a big role in improving these statistics.