Cardinal Corps

The Cardinal Corps is an honorary award sponsored by the NC Jaycees. A recipient must be a present or past member of the state Jaycees for a minimum of 3 years.

The Corps affords an opportunity to recognize individuals who have displayed a record of outstanding service and involvement in the NC Jaycees. The Corps also provides financial resources to fund NC Jaycees’ major emphasis programs: Boys & Girls Homes , NC Jaycee Burn Center, and Duke Cancer Patient Support Program. Plus, the Corps underwrites the NC Jaycees Giessenbier Awards each year.

NCJC Cardinal Corps Application

NCJC Cardinal Corps Brochure

When do the Corps meet?

Members of the Corps–known as colonels–meet each trimester in conjunction with the NC Jaycees. Business will include induction of new members, reports on activities of support for local and state Jaycees and election of officers.

Who qualifies for membership?

In addition to being a NC Jaycee, a nominee must have been a Jaycee for 3 years and accumulated a minimum of 30 points during their Jaycee career. Points are earned via local involvement; e.g., local chapter offices held and projects chaired. State involvement, e.g., state officer held and programs chaired, plus national and international involvement. Each application for membership must be approved by a local president (or chairman of the Board, if the local president is the nominee). An active member of the Cardinal Corps signs the application as sponsor.

How do I nominate someone?

The attached Application for Membership must be submitted to the Corps Commander for review, along with membership fee of $75.00 (or $50.00 if the applicant is a JCI senator). Applications must be (1) sponsored by a current member of the North Carolina Jaycees Cardinal Corps, (2) endorsed by one of the following: current local chapter President or Chairman of the Board, NC Jaycees Executive Committee Member or NCJCI Senator. The sponsor should indicate on the application if the honor is to be a surprise at State Convention.

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Recognition programs are a fundamental part of the Jaycee movement. Local Jaycees are strongly encouraged to honor individuals who have made a difference in chapters and communities across 100 counties in North Carolina.

National Meetings

Corps of Corps meeting to be held in conjunction with the US JCI Senate National Convention.

Other Corps

Georgia Jaycee Rebel Corps
The Corps of Virginia Gentlemen
Maryland Jaycees Crab Corps
Iowa Jaycees Hawkeye Corps
California Jaycees “Order of the Tiger”

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