Start Your Jaycee Journey

Step 1: Why Join the Junior Chamber (Jaycees)?

The Junior Chamber, also known as “JCI” or the “Jaycees” is a global group for young active citizens who seek to improve themselves and their communities. The group was founded in the United States in 1920 and has been creating opportunities for its members to lead and grow locally as well as globally for over a century. Your Jaycee journey starts by joining or founding a local chapter in your community.

Getting Started Q&A

Q: How do I join a local chapter?

A: Check the chapter’s website or social media for upcoming events and contacts. You can also find chapters in your area or on Joining a chapter usually involves attending a membership meeting and paying dues to the Treasurer of the local Board of Directors.

Q: Do I have to join before I attend a meeting?

A: No, general meetings are usually open to the public unless special topics or projects are being considered.

Q: What are the expectations of a new member?

A: New members are generally expected to attend regular membership meetings and actively participate in discussions. They should also participate in upcoming volunteer, networking, or leadership development projects as they are able in order to build their understanding of the local chapter’s current priorities.

Q: Can I start my own chapter if I don’t have one in my community?

A: Absolutely! Please contact us at to learn how to start a Jaycee chapter!

Step 2: Attend a New Member Orientation

Congratulations! You’ve taken the leap to start or join a local chapter. All Jaycee activities begin at the local level, so it is important for you to get to know your fellow members as well as the general flow of meetings and projects. We strongly encourage you to attend a new member orientation at your local chapter, which will put you in touch with your local board and membership, but to help get you started you can watch the VIDEO below!

New Member Q&A

Q: Where can I find this Presentation?

A: Right here.

Q: Are the Jaycees a religious or gender exclusive organization?

A: The Jaycees welcome all faiths, races, ethnicities, and genders.

Q: What is my local Board of Directors?

A: Each local Jaycee chapter is managed by a Board of Directors that is elected from that chapter’s membership. The local board is generally responsible for planning and running a chapter’s meetings, managing its finances, approving most projects, and representing their local chapter to the State, National, and International Jaycee organizations.

Q: What are Roberts Rules of Order?

A: The “Business” portion of membership and board meetings follow Roberts Rules of Order. These are procedures for voting and orderly discussion that are designed to help your chapter make collective decisions that represent the will of the majority while also respecting the input of the minority. Rules on this procedure can be found here.

Q: What are the major levels of the organization?

A: Your local chapter can work with other local chapters in your state as part of the State Organization. As a member of a chapter in North Carolina, you fall under the North Carolina Junior Chamber. Your state organization works with other state organizations under JCI USA ( JCI USA works with our national organizations in the region and across the world as the Junior Chamber International or JCI ( Your local membership grants you membership and representation at each level of the organization!

Step 3: Run Your First Project

The Project Management Guide or (PMG) is one of your most powerful personal and professional development tools as a Jaycee. It is the key to running successful events, celebrating your achievements, learning from your mistakes, and leaving something tangible for future leaders and for your own professional portfolio.

About the PMG

The project management guide is a document that helps you plan, execute, and evaluate any Jaycee project in the four areas shown below:

Community Development

This is one of the most visible aspects of the Jaycees and, for many people, the most valuable. Community development encompasses all of the projects that benefit the citizens of the community, and is funded by dollars raised from management development projects.

Individual Development

With the amount of volunteer hours put in each year by our members, it is only appropriate to thank them with great social events. As a leadership training organization, we also hold individual development (ID) courses on topics ranging from public speaking to wine tasting. Some events we the Jaycees have held include: chili cookoffs, beekeeping, professional cookie decorating, golfing, landscaping, sushi making, and more!

Management Development

The Management Development Area includes all of the fundraising projects of the chapter. The money raised through the management projects helps fund the rest of the projects under the community, individual and state areas. Jaycees Management projects allow the organization to give funds to area charities, projects and programs.

Membership Development

Membership development encompasses member recruitment and retention activities, which includes sending out renewal notices, coordinating recruitment efforts and making monthly reports to the NC Jaycees on membership retention and new members. Membership officers also hold new member orientations and assist the state director with documentation of member activation.

PMG Examples


PMG Training Presentation


Holiday-Community-PMG Example

Golf Tournament-PMG Example


Q: What does PMG stand for?

A: Project Management Guide

Q: Where can I find a BLANK copy of a PMG?

A: Right here: Blank-Project-Management-Guide

Q: Who approves my PMG?

A: Your PMG should be presented to and approved by your Board of Directors, unless your ask for funds is very significant, in which case it may also need to be approved by your general membership.

Q: Do I need a PMG for every Project?

A: Not necessarily. Consult your Board of Directors for guidance on when a PMG is required.

Q: Can I complete my PMG after I’ve already ran my Project?

A: Maybe. It’s a good idea to complete the preliminary questions before you run the project so you can evaluate it properly, but please consult your Board of Directors.

Q: Why should I create a PMG for my Project?

A: PMGs are beneficial for large projects that you plan to repeat in the future. They can protect your chapter, be submitted for awards and recognition, provide guidance for future project leaders, and be part of your own portfolio for job interviews.

Step 4: Advanced Topics

VIDEO LIBRARY: JCI USA has an extension video library on topics related to civic leadership, membership retention and recruitment, effective meetings, project ideas, etc. See Below!

OFFICER TRAINING: JCI USA also has full online courses for Board Development and Officer Training

Thank you and we look forward to what you will accomplish as a Jaycee, the largest global network of young active citizens!

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Thank you for subscribing to the North Carolina Jaycees email list! As a member, you’ll be the first to know about our upcoming events and programs, as well as receive updates on the organization’s initiatives and news. We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community and can’t wait to connect with you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Fill out the simple form and get added to our email list! We regularly send out chapter events across the state and important information to keep you up to date!.


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